It’s heard to believe it has been a year since I started working from home due to the pandemic. I don’t miss going into the office as I love getting back the time that I spent commuting. And that means more crafting and quilting time for me!
While I’ve had my ups and downs over the last year, I’ve really struggled over the last month. I may have blogged these last few weeks but I have worked hard to not stop sewing and crafting. And it has been good therapy.
My guild requested place mats for shut ins that are being delivered through a local meals on wheels program prior to Easter. Hearing this gave purpose to my sewing. I made 17. The 18th fell victim to a tragic serger accident. I’m happy to say no one was hurt other than the place mat.

The pattern is from Quilt Social though I did modify it slighty as I wasn’t cutting 2.75 inch strips.
I’ve continued to make pillowcases for Comfy Cases . When they picked up the pillowcases I had made a few weeks ago they dropped off some donated fabric for me to make more! I may have dipped into my fabric stash to add a bit of pizzazz to a few of the cases.

Quilt wise I’ve worked on this scrappy 16 patch and 4 patch quilt.

I can’t say I love it as I’m finding the background fabric a bit busy with the already busy four patches and 16 patches. I’ll likely donate this to the care home where my father lived as it will brighten someone’s day. Who knows, once it is quilted and bound I might actually like it.
I’m glad I’ve kept crafting and quilting through the blues as I definitely feel that doing so has helped improve my mood!
I LOVE IT! I think the background balances the bright patches 🙂
It’s a two edge sword staying home all the time. We love that we can spend more time doing what we really want to but the motivation fluctuates. I’m glad you are able to work from home. And, I’m glad I am retired and didn’t have to worry about working from home. Quilting has filled my days and kept me happy (most of the time.) I like your 16 and 4 patch just the way it is. It has the bright blocks to scream “hey aren’t I a pretty quilt!” and the background that say “can’t we calm down just a little bit?” (Boy am I going out in left field there…!) I am amazed at all of your pillowcases and your placemats. I love the ideas of placemats as they would be great to use up smaller pieces of fabrics. You’ve done a wonderful job on everything you are showing today. (And, can’t you see someone enjoying the brightness of your quilt on a dull day?) Ok, Pollyanna here will end this missive. Keep on quilting!
I think your bright scrappy quilt looks fantastic and will certainly make someone happy to snuggle under it.
I like the grey background. It would hide stains and messes better than a white or muslin fabric.
It’s hard to stay motivated when you work from home but you are pushing through and creating so many beautiful things to spread cheer! The placemats will help the shut-ins feel less isolated while the pillowcases will provide comfort where it’s most needed. I too like the grey background because it gives the whole quilt movement and life. I think you will like it more when the quilt is finished and bound and you can really see the beauty of it. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss. You were the first one this week!
This past year has been a struggle in so many ways! We are fortunate that we can work from home and have done so even before the pandemic. The fact that there is no commute has to be one of the best perks. I think the background is neutralized to some degree by the bright colors in this quilt!
I love your scrappy quilt!
It looks great to me and I have a sister who would drool over it. Some people like loud, busy, eye popping fabric. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
Wow! That’s an awesome quilt. Love all the different colors and
your place mats and pillow cases are beautiful..Have a great day!
Pretty placemats will brighten the table of those receiving them. Nice work on the pillow cases and another lovely scrappy quilt in the making. Well done.
Glad you have stayed busy crafting and such gifts to share. Love the scrappy quilt top.
We do love, our scraps! Great work and you were featured! Lovely!