I needed to make 44 – 16 patch blocks to make a border on a quilt. I’d made more than half of them when I pulled the quilt out and realised I’d been making the blocks with 2″ squares when quilt was based on 2.5″ squares. That was a fun moment – NOT. Out came the 2.5″ square bin and I had the opportunity to start back at square one. Some swearing may have occurred. The right blocks have now all finally been made and are waiting for me to finish off that quilt
However, rather than focus on that quilt I’ve been fixated on the 6 inch – 16 patch blocks that I made by accident. What to do with them?
I searched different settings for the blocks and my friend Bonnie suggested this one after I suggested a much more elaborate one what would have taken much more effort and time. So, I cut out sashing and made some four patches and came up with setting that looked like this.
I liked it!
So I started sewing and eventually this is quilt top that I ended up with:
I’m really pleased with how this turned out! I see some wavy quilting to soften the straight lines but other than that I haven’t thought to much yet about how to finish it off.
We sweat over every little detail, every seam and every corner. Occasionally we cut and nick ourselves and bleed too. And we also cry when things go horribly wrong. Where there are blood, sweat and tears there will be swearing. It is only natural. On the other hand, looks like your quilt blocks are having a party with all those bright colors. iam sure it will be a fabulous finish.
That’s wonderful! I think we’ve all made similar mistakes when we’re so excited to dive into a new project without making 100% sure we’ve read all the directions accurately. Now I just factor in an additional 20% of extra fabric because I always, ALWAYS make mistakes when I start cutting out a new quilt!
Hi! That’s going to make a really cute quilt!
I love how you took your “lemons” and made lemonade with them! That is a fun design, and I love the turquoise background fabric with the bright blocks, too!
Hi Yvonne! I can almost hear your verbal thoughts when you discovered the pieces should be 2.5″ instead of 2″. This is the cutest mistake ever! You owned it and came up with a really cute layout. I don’t know what the other 16-patch block is for, but I sure do like this version. Thanks for linking up today! I’m going to PIN this ‘mistake’ for the future. ~smile~ Roseanne
I always like seeing different ways to use/arrange basic 9-patch types of blocks…your use of the 4-patches in the corners and as part of the sashing is a great idea!
Don’t you just love those oops moments? We’ve all had them unfortunately mine don’t always turn out so well. Lovely top.
That’s a lovely use for your accidental blocks. I really like the teal sashing that you went with.
I love it! Talk about a happy accident! Such a cheerful quilt with all that scrappy goodness.
This quilt turned out lovely, what a great mistake! Happy Stitching!
hhmmm……this looks like a great idea for something I can do with the tons of 2 inch squares that I have.
So much scrappy goodness! Thanks for sharing with Moving it Forward
I love it! Good for you to put it together and not add to the scrap bin!
Wonderful little scrap quilt!
What a happy quilt! It looks like confetti to me. Thanks for linking up to What I Made Monday.
Isn’t wonderful when an accident turns into something lovely? Congratulation on solving the problem. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
This is the most fabulous “mistake” I’ve seen in a while. Love your serendipitous flimsy, it looks so happy. Thanks for linking up to the Chameleon’s Colour & Inspiration party
That is a wonderful quilt-by-accident. It’s cheerful and bright enough for any lap on any gray winter day, or rainy spring or fall day.