Marc came home not long ago and told me that a friend of ours is in the family way once again. It’s a little too early to know if it’s a boy or a girl so I’m making sure I’m prepared. I’m undecided whether to keep this new quilt in the same theme as the…
Tag: star quilt

Gathered Star Quilt – Construction notes
I’m in the process of making the Gathered Star Quilt. I’m really happy how it is turning out. This quilt is based on a block by Judith Martin called Star Cluster Quilt Block Mine looks like that block, however the block size and construction are different. The star block is 32″, and I constructed this using…

Friendship Star Quilt Top
This quilt flimsy has finally been finished. It’s taken awhile but it’s been totally worth it. I started off making a totally different quilt pattern but quickly realised that I had sewn my half square triangles together with the wrong fabrics paired up. I had no more grey fabric so I couldn’t cut any more…

En Provence – Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt
I’m really enjoying working on the Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt En Provence. Its taught me new techniques and is helping improve my piecing skills. I’m putting it together in quarters and right now have two of the four quarters finished and the last two are well underway. No idea how I’m going to back this…